I’ve finally hit the button to initiate the one-time-only legacy transfer of my cosmetics and vanity stuff from The Secret World to Secret World Legends. I’ve held out until two weeks after the launch of SWL just to make sure I haven’t missed out on anything I can still reasonably unlock.
I’ve bought out the entire stock of the clothing store, Pangaea. I’ve visited the clothing vendors in Darkside every day to check out their rotating stock. I’ve waited for my monthly stipend of bonus points to be delivered so that I could grab one last outfit from the Funcom item store. I even managed to finally get the Albino Draug Lord pet from running the Eidolon raid. But alas, the white carapace leggings from the Flappy raid have eluded me.
It’s time to call it quits on The Secret World and move on to Secret World Legends… Continue reading “It Was All A Dream”